About Us
Correspondence to:
Geelong Patchwork & Quilters' Guild Inc
P O Box 753
Geelong   Vic   3220
Click HERE to download the Model Rules 2013
Click HERE to view the Information Handbook -
updated November 2013
We are a non-profit quilting group based in Geelong, a regional city 70km south of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
We have around 180 members from all walks of life, including those who have daytime jobs, stay at home parents
and retirees.
We are an incorporated group - A6698
ABN:  29 609 095493 (8 June 2001)
We welcome Visitors and Beginners
Join us at a Guild Meeting and come back often to keep in touch and see what we are up to.
We ask visitors to wear a yellow name tag to help us to welcome you and get to know you
Our Guild is for ...
those who can, those who think they might like to, those who like to share ideas and expertise,
those who want to learn more, those who like to meet others with the same interest, those who
are new to Geelong or who like to catch up with people in the Greater Geelong region
We have activities and Challenges to suit beginners and experienced quilters
We have a Quilt-In each May
We hold an Exhibition every two years
We are very proud of our members who have achieved recognition and success
in the wider quilting world
Geelong Guild supports the local community by making and donating quilts and
raising much needed funds for community support
No organisation can function without energetic and dedicated people who are
prepared to ... become Committee members   -   take up executive positions   -
be on the various sub-committees
As reported in the first Geelong Patchwork and Quilters' Guild newsletter, September 1985, sixty-three women attended a meeting on 13 July 1985, convened by Heather Strauss, to consider the establishment of a patchwork and quilters' guild.  By October it was official - once the Department of Corporate Affairs had approved the constitution discussed and adopted at the September meeting.  Fourteen members were listed and seven of them formed the Committee of Management. Click here for our second newsletter.
Guild meetings were held in the Uniting Church Hall, Leopold, 1.30 to 4.30pm.  There were Area Meetings in Belmont, Ocean Grove, Newcomb, Portarlington and Geelong West.
Fees back then were ...
Entrance fee - $2; annual subscription - $10 ($20 July 1987); monthly Guild meeting - 50 cents; hall rental - $30; the incorporation fee - $60.
Each newsletter included a Block of the Month and a library was building within 12 months.
Workshops and speakers were an important part of Guild activities from the start.
A logo competition was called in December 1985.  In April nine designs were presented for voting and the round design by Suzanne Del Papa was chosen.  In November 1986 the logo first appeared on the newsletter.


Badges were first mentioned in the newsletter in October 1987 (a decision to defer until the financial status was known after the Exhibition).  July 1988 there were samples to look at and in August, an order for 20 @ $4 was placed with Quilby Promotions.  (Your original Website Manager was pleased to buy one of the old-style metal badges in 2003; this badge was the starting point for the colours for this Guild website.)

The first Guild Exhibition was held in November 1986 in the Geelong State Offices.

The newsletter was first called Common Thread in May 1993.

Browsing the old newsletters revealed ...

December 1986 -
Decision that during meetings, financial matters will be dealt with between 1.30 and 2.00pm only and all organised activies will start at 2.00pm.  The Guild gained a place in designing something that depicts the Geelong area for the Bi-centennial - only 34 areas throughout Australia were given a letter.  "We have been allotted the third 'i' in the word Exhibition from Australian Bi-centennial Exhibition 1988."

February 1987 -
The finished banner travelled during 1988 and was much admired.  In October, the Guild was awarded a 2" (5cm) commemorative silver medallion, under the Women Celebrate '88 program for it's contribution to the celebration of Australia's Bi-centenary.


March 1987 -
Meetings moved to the YWCA rooms, 19 Aberdeen Street, Newtown.

July 1988 -
Deadline for the Happy Birthday Australia block - a Guild competition for the Bi-centennial.  (Piece or applique an original block 12 1/2 inches square depicting something Australian - flora, fauna, a person or event.)  The 16 blocks were made into a quilt (72 inches square) which was re-discovered in the cupboard in 2008!  In November 2008 we had a 'Let's Revisit 1988' day with a display of the above quilt, the original design plans for the third "i" in the banner and photos of the banner and of Eastern Park and craft and clothing of the era.

The members of the Geelong Patchwork & Quilters’ Guild are invited to participate in this on-going project by making quilts to the specifications below and passing them onto the Quilts of Love Guild Co-ordinator, Adrienne Hare.
These small quilts are ultimately given to the parents of infants who are still born or die soon after birth.  The parents can use them to wrap their child in or keep them as a memento.
In late 1996, following the lead of the Earlwood Piece Makers of Sydney, two of our members proposed that the Guild take up this project.  The idea was well received by the membership and has been seen to be an appreciated community service.
Quilts of Love are given predominantly (around 30 each year) to the Special Care Nurseries of Geelong Hospital and St. John of God Hospital, Geelong.
On occasion, excess stocks of Quilts of Love are given to the Special Care Nursery at the Royal Women’s Hospital where there is a great need.  The membership has also voted in the past to make Christmas quilts and matching stockings for the infants in long term care in the RWH over Christmas.
In December 2000, 33 quilts made by The Heights Sewing Group and passed onto the Guild, were given to the Special Care Nursery at Geelong Hospital for the infants staying over Christmas.
The Guild has received many letters of appreciation from the recipients of these Quilts of Love which is testament to the value of the project.
Quilt Specifications
Quilts of Love can be made using any patchwork, embroidery or appliqué style.  The fabric, batting and quilting method are at the discretion of the quilter.
Quilts for this project should measure between 15 and 20 inches square, although other shapes within these dimensions are suitable.
Whilst these donations are anonymous as to their maker, the Guild’s name and address is attached to each quilt.  Members may pin their names on the quilts they have made and these will be recognised in the Common Thread Newsletter.
Rajah Quilt Project:
As part of the Next Wave Festival in 2016, Members of Geelong Patchwork and Quilters' Guild were invited by Eva Heiky Olga Abbinga to help create a memorial quilt & art installation honoring the convict women of Australia called "The Arrival of the Rajah". Click here to read more.
Ricky Tims:
In September 2018 we hosted two one day Ricky Timms Master Classes
In 2020 & 2021
Our meetings were temporarily put on hold due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Our Presidents
elected at the AGM in August each year
1985-86 Heather Gomersill (was Strauss) 2004-05 Meg Pyburne
1986-87 Janet Couchman 2005-06 Debra Blair
Suzanne Del Papa
Margaret Drayton
1988-89 Pauline Hucker
Laura Rohricht
1989-90 Pauline Hucker 2008-09 Judy Alcock
1990-91 Sue Longmore 2009-10 Linda Ryan
1991-92 Sue Longmore
Anne Clutterbuck
1992-93 Kerrie Maloney 2011-12 Liane Jonas
1993-94 Kerrie Maloney 2012-13 Dijanne Cevaal
1994-95 Cheryl Andrews 2013-14 Lyn Weeks
1995-96 Cheryl Andrews 2014-15 Judith Oke
1996-97 Margaret Gaskin 2015-17 Margaret Tembo
1997-98 Margaret Gaskin 2017-21 Cheryl Gilbert
1998-99 Kerrie Maloney 2022-22 Judith Oke
1999-00 Jan Preston 2022-23 Lyn Weeks
2000-01 Jacinta Pritchard 2023-24 Anne Clutterbuck
2001-02 Helen Stewart 2024-25 Anne Clutterbuck
2002-03 Glenn Reid
2003-04 Annette Packett    


Life Members
June Warner
Judy Alcock
Judy Bubb
Jan Preston
Lesley Clarke
Jodie Arklay
Betty Scott
Kerrie Maloney
Suze Del Papa
A GPQG Life Member is a general member whose contribution to the Guild
has been recognised by being given the honour of the special status and
privilege of Life Membership