Notice of The Annual General Meeting of the Geelong Patchwork & Quilters Guild to be held on
Saturday 19th August 2023.
The purpose of the AGM is twofold. First is a review of the year past, with the President delivering her report on the year’s activities and the direction for the group, and the Treasurer presenting the Annual financial report.
Second purpose is to elect a committee to steer the Guild for the coming twelve months. We are seeking nominations from members to serve on the committee for the period August 2023 to July 2024. This is not an onerous job and provides members with an opportunity to participate in the running and direction of the Guild and to get to know more of the members. The Committee generally meets at the close of our regular Guild days and by and large there is not a lot of business involved. Our major events most years are our Quilt In, the Biggest Morning Tea, and a bi-ennial Exhibition.
Under our Constitution all Committee positions are declared vacant and we are therefore seeking nominations for the following positions:
Vice President
and up to 5 ordinary committee persons.
On the current Committee the five ordinary committee persons have taken the roles of web management, newsletter editor, membership secretary, assistant treasurer, workshop coordinator. It is not assumed that these roles will be undertaken by committee members as some of these could easily be done by guild members not on the committee.
Non-committee positions resolved at the AGM include: (Nominations forms are NOT necessary for these positions).
Assistant Newsletter Editor & Proofreader/ Photographer
Assistant Webmaster
Newsletter Distributor
Library Assistant/s
Charity Quilt Programme co-ordinators
Refreshments Co-ordinator – Stitchers at Sea have fulfilled this role this year. Another table/friendship group will undertake this for 2023/4
Special Occasions Correspondent
We thank those serving in positions this past year. Our Guild cannot survive without the willingness of members to contribute towards its running. Please consider how you could contribute by taking on one of the positions. If you have any queries about what is involved in a role, please feel free to ask a committee member about how much time and effort is required. There will be a notice outlining all roles on the noticeboard near the kitchen window.
Nomination Forms are included in this issue and are also available on the front desk and on the website, as is a copy of last AGM minutes (August 2022).
Sue McBride
Nomination Form
Proxy Form